Biggie Smalls

Died,March9,1997(1997-03-09)(aged24).LosAngeles,California,U.S..Causeofdeath,Drive-byhomicide(gunshotwound).Othernames.BiggieSmalls;Biggie ...Biggie(disambiguation)·Biggie&Tupac·LifeAfterDeath·Faith,TheAmericanrapperChristopherWallace,betterknown...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Notorious B.I.G.

Died, March 9, 1997(1997-03-09) (aged 24). Los Angeles, California, U.S.. Cause of death, Drive-by homicide (gunshot wound). Other names. Biggie Smalls; Biggie ... Biggie (disambiguation) · Biggie & Tupac · Life After Death · Faith

Murder of the Notorious B.I.G.

The American rapper Christopher Wallace, better known as the Notorious B.I.G., was murdered in a drive-by shooting in the early hours of March 9, 1997, ... Biggie & Tupac · The Murder of Biggie Smalls · Wardell Fouse · Thoracotomy

FBI Records

Christopher George Wallace (1972-1997)—also known as “Notorious B.I.G.”—was a rap musician who was murdered on March 9, 1997. The FBI opened a civil ...

Inside Biggie Smalls' Final Days and Murder in Los Angeles

Wallace made a last-minute decision to leave the safety of his hotel · The rapper was ambushed at a red light · He died shortly afterward despite ...

The Notorious B.I.G. | Songs, Albums, & Death

On March 9, 1997, Wallace was leaving a party at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles when he was killed in a drive-by shooting. The shooter and the ...

Notorious B.I.G. autopsy released, 15 years after his death

The fatal bullet entered his right hip and ripped through several organs, including his liver, heart and lung. The other bullets struck Wallace ...

The Notorious B.I.G.'s murder remains unsolved 25 years later

Christopher Wallace, a.k.a. The Notorious B.I.G. was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting on March 9, 1997. His killer has never been ...

Rapper Notorious B.I.G. is killed in Los Angeles

Christopher Wallace, a.k.a Biggie Smalls, a.k.a. the Notorious B.I.G., is shot to death at a stoplight in Los Angeles.

What's the agreed upon narrative for why Biggie was murdered?

The most common narrative is that Suge paid his homie and Blood member Poochie to kill Biggie in retaliation for the 2pac shooting AND for ...

Who Killed Biggie

Who Killed Biggie Click here to subscribe: Biggie Smalls ... The Mysterious Death Of Biggie Smalls | Part 2. BuzzFeed ...


Died,March9,1997(1997-03-09)(aged24).LosAngeles,California,U.S..Causeofdeath,Drive-byhomicide(gunshotwound).Othernames.BiggieSmalls;Biggie ...Biggie(disambiguation)·Biggie&Tupac·LifeAfterDeath·Faith,TheAmericanrapperChristopherWallace,betterknownastheNotoriousB.I.G.,wasmurderedinadrive-byshootingintheearlyhoursofMarch9,1997, ...Biggie&Tupac·TheMurderofBiggieSmalls·WardellFouse·Thoracot...